Delta Gamma Pay Your Per Capita Dues

Greater Long Beach Alumnae Panhellenic Scholarship

The Greater Long Beach Alumnae Panhellenic (GLBAP) offers scholarships to current collegiate National Panhellenic Council sorority women who attend California State University Long Beach (CSULB), as well as to those whose homes are within the greater Long Beach area but attend a college or university elsewhere. Recent Delta Gamma winners include Amanda BotelhoHannah HojostMonica WaldauColette Killworth, and Courtney Odom, who are all initiates of Gamma Chi-Cal State, Long Beach!

 We will celebrate the 2020 GLBAP Scholarship winners on Wednesday, October 7, 2020 via Zoom. Below are the 2020 winners, who each received a $1,000 GLBAP Scholarship:

Lorin Costello, Delta Gamma

Lexie Geltman, Delta Gamma

Breanna O'Neil, Delta Zeta

Maddy Perez, Zeta Tau Alpha

Donate to the GLBAP Scholarship Fund

We need your help to raise money for the scholarships presented every spring! Please support the Greater Long Beach Alumnae Panhellenic Scholarship Fund by donating today.

Thank you in advance for your support!

























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